City Seeks To Fill, Close Springhill Landfill

This is a release from the City of Ottawa:

The purpose of this memo is to update Council on the Springhill Landfill. Further to the  memo sent to Council on June 13, 2024, the City submitted an application for a related amendment to the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) for the Springhill Landfill.  

The previous ECA amendment is seeking approval from the Ministry of the  Environment, Conservation and Parks to lift the suspension of accepting waste at the  Springhill Landfill site for the exclusive receipt of excess waste soils from projects within  the limits of the City of Ottawa to exhaust the remaining landfill capacity. While we await  approval of this ECA amendment, the City is advancing a related amendment which will  ultimately allow the environmental remediation, cap and closure of the site.  

This latest amendment, submitted August 30, 2024, seeks approval from the Ministry of  the Environment, Conservation and Parks to authorize the remedial action plan,  including a final cover system and stormwater management system, and the closure  plan for the site. This amendment is also seeking approval for a post-closure inspection,  monitoring, maintenance, and care plan. 

As was done with the previous ECA amendment in June, the City will again send a  letter to neighbours within a 500 metre radius of the Springhill Landfill, approximately  30, to notify them of this amendment and provide details on how they can submit comments to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks on the application. A  copy of the letter to the nearby residents is attached for Council’s awareness. 

Members of Council will continue to be informed of related applications, application  outcomes and updates on the remedial action plan. In the meantime, if you have 

questions, please contact me directly by phone at 613-580-2424, extension 21197, or  by email at  

Thank you, 

Original signed by 

Alain Gonthier 

General Manager 

Public Works Department 

c.c. Senior Leadership Team 

Public Works Departmental Leadership Team 

Andrea Lanthier-Seymour, Chief Communications Officer 


Neighbour Notification Letter –Springhill Landfill ECA Amendment Remedial  Action Plan


Re: Springhill Landfill Environmental Compliance Approval

Dear Company Name or Homeowner or [Insert Residential Address],
This letter is to inform you that the City of Ottawa and Tomlinson Waste Management
Inc. are seeking an amendment to the Springhill Landfill site’s Environmental
Compliance Approval (ECA) No. A461402. The Springhill Landfill is located at 7720
Springhill Road.
Please note you were sent a letter in June 2024 notifying you of a separate ECA
amendment application. That amendment seeks approval from the Ministry of
Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to allow excess waste soil from projects
within the limits of the City of Ottawa to be placed at Springhill Landfill, thereby
exhausting the remaining landfill capacity in order to commence site closure activities.
This amendment seeks approval from the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and
Parks (MECP) to authorize the following at the Springhill Landfill:
? Remedial action plan, including a final cover system and stormwater
management system (including an application for Ontario Water Resources Act
? Closure plan for the site
? Post-closure inspection, monitoring, maintenance, and care plan
On August 30, 2024, the City of Ottawa and Tomlinson Waste Management Inc.
submitted the ECA amendment applications to the MECP to authorize this proposed
update to the site. Regular meetings of the Springhill Landfill Advisory Committee would
be reinstated by Tomlinson Waste Management Inc. as activities resume.
Please be advised that you will have 15 days after receiving this letter to provide
comments on the amendments described above. Please provide any comments to the
following email and/or address: (with attention to: EPA Part V Director)

This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is
addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt
from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended
recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone. Thank you.

Le présent message n’est destiné qu’à la personne ou à l’organisme auquel il est
adressé et peut contenir des renseignements protégés, confidentiels et faisant l’objet
d’une exception à l’obligation de divulguer l’information selon la loi applicable.
Quiconque lit ce message et n’est pas le destinataire direct ni la personne ou le
membre du personnel chargé de remettre le message au destinataire direct est avisé
par la présente qu’il est interdit de diffuser, distribuer ou reproduire cette
communication. Si vous recevez cette communication par erreur, veuillez nous en
informer immédiatement par téléphone. Merci.

EPA Part V Director
Client Services and Permissions Branch
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
135 St. Clair Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5
For general questions related to Springhill Landfill not related to this ECA amendment,
please contact the City of Ottawa via 3-1-1.
Thank you,
Alain Gonthier
General Manager, Public Works Department
City of Ottawa


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3 Responses

  1. Closely Watching says:

    Lets have a column of the management of construction waste that will be produced by removal of the single family homes and construction of new multiplexes! Will the Province (whose mandate this is) require repurposing and recycling of materials (Concrete, brick, wood, copper pipes and wiring, windows, inhouse hardware etc). Where will it all go?

  2. Kosmo says:

    We can always fill the idle trains with some of the excess garbage.

  3. Ken Gray says:

    good one kosmo, k

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