City To Pick Volunteer Ottawa Nightlife Council

This is a release from the City of Ottawa:

The purpose of this memo is to notify Council of a public process to recruit up to 12 at-large members  to the Ottawa Nightlife Council. 


In May 2023, Council approved the Nightlife Economy Action Plan. The Plan addresses the economic  opportunities and challenges of Ottawa’s nightlife through a series of 10 recommended actions that  support the development and delivery of nightlife infrastructure, amenities, and experiences. 

The Nightlife Commissioner Office was established on June 10, 2024, with the selection of Mathieu  Grondin as the City’s first Nightlife Commissioner. Working with key nightlife sectors and  stakeholders, the Nightlife Commissioner is leading the implementation of the Nightlife Economy  Action Plan with a goal of delivering the City’s vision of a more vibrant, diverse, inclusive, viable, safe,  and well managed nightlife. 

Recommendation 4 of the Nightlife Economy Action Plan is to establish a Nightlife Council composed  of industry and community representatives to provide feedback and support to the Nightlife  Commissioner Office. 

Ottawa Nightlife Council 

As a department-led working group, the Nightlife Council will provide feedback on the commercial and  cultural vibrancy of Ottawa’s nightlife economy and the advancement of nightlife management best  practices, policies, safety programs, and promotion. 

The Nightlife Council will be composed of a minimum of 12 members and a maximum of 18 members  and will be led by the Nightlife Commissioner. Participation on the Nightlife Council is voluntary (no  remuneration provided). 

Six seats will be allocated to economic development and cultural industries organizations engaged in  the nightlife economy. The remaining Nightlife Council at-large members (minimum 6 seats to a  maximum 12 seats) will be appointed by the Nightlife Commissioner for a two-year term. At-large  members must be engaged in/interact with the nightlife economy as a resident, business owner, or  worker. 

Recruitment of at-large members is through an open call for applications. Eligibility information and an  application form is now available on The application period will be open until October 11,  2024. 

Applications received within the application period will be reviewed against standard eligibility  requirements, community profiles and themes, and applicant experience and background.  Recognizing the diversity within Ottawa’s nightlife sector, recruitment of Nightlife Council at-large  members will occur in accordance with equal opportunity best practices and the principles of diversity,  equity, and inclusion. 

Following the evaluation and selection process, a list of Nightlife Council members (including both the  economic development/cultural industries organizations and at-large members), will be available  publicly on at the beginning of November. A memo to Council will also be provided.  

Any questions related to the establishment of the Nightlife Council can be directed to Mathieu  Grondin, Nightlife Commissioner at  


Sheilagh Doherty 

Interim Director, Economic Development Services, Strategic Initiatives Department 

cc. Senior Leadership Team  

Debbie Stewart, General Manager, Strategic Initiatives Department  

Strategic Initiatives Departmental Leadership Team 

Andrea Lanthier-Seymour, Chief Communications Officer, Public Information and Media  Relations


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4 Responses

  1. Kosmo says:

    Very wordy description for a volunteer position.

  2. sisco farraro says:

    Yes, it boggles the mind that senior staff in Ottawa city hall and councilors do not know how to write an executive summary.

  3. Annette Goldenberg says:

    Yes everything the senior staff in Ottawa city hall boggles the mind. Tell me what happened to our “night life mayor” or whatever they were calling him. Now they are looking for a volunteer for WHAT? Anything else they can think off? So ridiculous.

  4. MM says:

    What do they mean exactly by remuneration? No salary for sure, but does that include no filing for expenses either?

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