Labour Council Backs Sutcliffe ‘Fairness’ Campaign

This is a release from the Ottawa and District Labour Council:

At the Ottawa and District Labour Council monthly membership meeting held last night delegates unanimously endorsed the ‘Fairness for Ottawa’ campaign launched by Mayor Mark Sutcliffe earlier this month.

The campaign is an appeal from the city of Ottawa for Ottawa’s fair share of federal and provincial funding.

“This is about fairness for our city and all those who live and work here”, said Sean McKenny, president of the Ottawa and District Labour Council.  As workers we have long advocated for justness and for fairness.  It’s what we do for each other and on behalf of our membership.  When we see or experience a wrong that affects us we try and help right it,” he added.

The ‘Fairness for Ottawa’ campaign includes calling on the federal government for full payment of back taxes and paying its fair share going forward, a commitment by the provincial and federal government to restore a fair funding model for transit, providing the same support to the city of Ottawa as provided other major cities.

The Ottawa and District Labour Council (ODLC) has been the voice of working people in the Ottawa area since 1872.  The ODLC currently represents 90 union locals with a combined membership of 50,000 workers and is the largest democratic and popular organization in the Ottawa area.


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2 Responses

  1. The Voter says:

    Gosh, I wonder how many of the Lansdowne and Tewin jobs are union ones? Might that be influencing their decision? Their mandate is to protect workers and their jobs so it would be surprising if they were interested in promoting Sutcliffe’s diversion tactics.

  2. Anderson Davies says:

    Socialism has proven to be a failure over and over… waiting for the “not that kind of socialism” crowd to screech in.

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