Leiper’s Too Late For Damage Control: THE VOTER


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The time for planning committee chairman Jeff Leiper to respond to this bungalow belt controversy would have been immediately, as in as soon as the backlash started, not the following week.

You shouldn’t have needed an open letter in the first place. The way to deal effectively with controversy is to get out ahead of it, not wait until it has blown up and you’re not in control of the narrative.

If you feel that your comment was misinterpreted, as it seems you do, the remedy is not to refer someone to the city integrity commissioner (whose effectiveness we saw tested in the last term of council with the Rick Chiarelli and Harder incidents).

The appropriate route would be to express regret that you were not properly understood and give your explanation. You are well aware that the tools the integrity commissioner has in her toolbox wouldn’t really respond well to this type of situation.

The Voter is a respected community activist and long-time Bulldog commenter who prefers to keep her identity private.


For You:

Leiper Responds To ‘Bungalow Belt’ Open Letter

Open Letter: The Bungalow Belt Battles Back

In Defence Of Jeff Leiper: POTTER


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