Meehan Withdraws From Conservative Riding Race

This is a release from journalist and politician Carol Anne Meehan:

9 August 2024

News release / Communique

Carol Anne Meehan Campaign  

Since announcing my candidacy in the Federal Riding of Ottawa West-Nepean July 29th, I have been buoyed by the positive response I have been receiving. 

However, at the time I declared my interest, it was expected the nomination meeting was fairly imminent.   As of today there is no date to choose the Conservative candidate, and it appears there will be no Federal election at least until next year, which is more time than I can spare away from Imagine Laserworks Ottawa, my start-up business.

Therefore I have informed the Conservative Party I will not be a candidate for the nomination in Ottawa West-Nepean.

Canada desperately needs a new generation of leadership. Pierre Poilievre is that leader, and the electors of Ottawa West – Nepean will be well served by any of the dynamic young candidates now seeking the nomination.

I urge my supporters to stay involved and be part of the change all Canadians need, and I’ll be there working right alongside them.

With thanks, and gratitude for your support,

Carol Anne Meehan  


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3 Responses

  1. Anderson Davies says:

    Sorry to hear this!

  2. Bruce says:

    Perhaps once the election is closer she may run again? , depending on the riding association is of a mind to delay the nomination process? Carol Anne will or would be an excellent representative for the area.

  3. Miranda Gray says:

    Why would you enter such a race without knowing such a basic fact?

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