Rebel News Finds Odd New Funder: BEAVERTON


Times are tough over at Rebel News, according to the satirical magazine The Beaverton:

Following a Canadian Federal Court decision that Rebel News doesn’t qualify for journalism tax credits because it doesn’t produce enough original news content, the far-right outlet has filed instead with the Russian government for financial assistance.

“How dare the woke elitist gatekeepers at the Canada Revenue Agency deny Rebel’s application to be an official journalistic organization, just because less than one percent of our content was original news,” bellowed Rebel founder Ezra Levant on a recent livestream in between fundraising appeals.

“Fortunately, we tireless heroes at the Rebel received a much friendlier response from the far more enlightened Russian Government,” Levant added, outlining the newly-launched “Rubles For Rebel” funding initiative.

To read the whole story from The Beaverton, click here.


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