Safety First, OC Transpo: WHOPPER WATCH .12.26


“The safety and security of our customers and employees is our top priority.”

OC Transpo on a recent security incident


Perhaps OC Transpo didn’t read the city auditor general’s report on faulty and possibly dangerous bus maintenance.

Perhaps OC Transpo has forgotten the derailments of the O-Train.

Words are easy. Actually doing it is much different.

Ken Gray


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The Justification For Spending: WHOPPER WATCH

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1 Response

  1. The Voter says:

    Must be a brand new policy – like, as of last week.

    Funny, I always thought running a functional transit service should be their top priority but I’ve been surprised by OC Transpo’s way of thinking in the past. This just goes to show that I, like many others, just don’t “get” what they’re about.

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