Sens Should Use Their Money, Not Ours For Arena



“We’ve had some good success with the Sensplex. That’s a way where the city participated but it didn’t cost the taxpayer any money. That’s a good model and they’ve helped. If you ask the city if they’re happy with the Sensplex, it didn’t cost them any capital or any operating costs and there’s probably been hundreds of millions of dollars spent on both those buildings by now.”

Ottawa Senators president Cyril Leeder


Leeder is a very intelligent man and knows which way the political wind is blowing.

People don’t want to spend any taxpayer money on a private stadium for the Ottawa Senators. Leeder has got that right. The city can’t afford it. And then there is principle of spending money on private sports facilities rather than bringing down the debt and helping the over-crowded Mission.

The city must re-arrange its priorities. The frills come when you can afford it. The city can’t afford Lansdowne, the new central library or must fix and complete LRT. Free money for rich guys should not be on the agenda.

Leeder mused about using the same methodology behind Lansdowne financing. Sorry, no way. The city got absolutely hosed on Lansdowne. No end-arounds here.

Your agent is a big Ottawa Senators fan but I’m also a big fan of responsible spending and living within one’s means.

So Go Sens Go but private enterprise should use private money, not public money. That’s why there’s banks.

Use the banks to finance your operation, not the public purse. That’s what everyone else does.

Ken Gray 

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1 Response

  1. Diane Zarnke says:

    Billionaire owners and millionaire players want the struggling taxpayers who can’t make ends meet. pay for the arena

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