Spitting Vitriol From The Bike Zealots

Quite a fuss today from the radical bike lobby on the traffic incident involving Kitchissippi Councillor Jeff Leiper.

The usual insults and bad manners which is what you can expect from the zealots. So many of them spit vitriol rather than look at a situation with a bit of objectivity. It’s the last refuge of the scoundrel.

That’s what you get from the cyclists who have consumed the Kool-Aid. What you see from them is not comment but an organized lobby because someone dared question their truth and its poster boy Leiper. Ridicule rather than rationality. Self-service rather than public service.

Here is some sanity from University of Ottawa professor Evan Potter on X:



For You:

Put Bike Lanes On Quiet Streets: THE VOTER

Cycling: Stop The Blame Game: BENN

LRT: Watson’s Ghost Roams City Hall: THE VOTER


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3 Responses

  1. C from Kanata says:

    They seem really organized. I have been to community meetings where they demand any enlargement of roads not at any lanes for cars but instead allow bikes to go side by side instead. It’s absolutely insane

  2. Diane Zarnke says:

    Bikes should be restricted to bike paths only
    It should be illegal for them to be on roads at all.
    There are many stupid car drivers, I admit but all bikers are not saints either and no matter who causes the accident……..the car driver is automatically at fault

  3. sisco farraro says:

    Diane. Agreed. Let’s keep bicycles off the sidewalks as well. People can get around the city using the now almost empty OC Transit vehicles. When people want to go for a challenging bike ride there’s always Gatineau Parc although as C points out riding single-file is imperative there as well. Riders can chitchat when they stop off road for a drink water or Gatorade.

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