City Chose Extravagance Over Good Sense: BENN
We are where we are because we spent money that we didn’t have, but hoped we might get, later.
We are where we are because we spent money that we didn’t have, but hoped we might get, later.
The fiscal crisis that Mayor Mark Sutcliffe acknowledged in August is but a manifestation of a prolonged period of financial mismanagement by Ottawa City Hall.
This is in response to a post by The Voter and done with the respect that The Voter most certainly deserves:
It’s not just the slashed employees who lose when city employee cuts are implemented. It’s us too.
The question of municipal layoffs is whether the staff that are let go will be the right ones.
There are lies, damned lies and accounting. An adaptation of an old adage.
Given the City of Ottawa’s precarious fiscal situation, why did Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and Ottawa City Council approve $419 million for new structures at Lansdowne Park?
Few things are predictable in life but one is a lock. Things turn out poorly for Wile E Coyote.
The plot thickens and the worm has turned.
It is official. Mayor Mark Sutcliffe has finally acknowledged that Ottawa is facing a financial crisis.
Perhaps Mayor Mark Sutcliffe should indulge in a bit of full disclosure.
“I’ll continue to work with the mayor and member of council to endeavour to find fiscally responsible ways to support them. But they need to do their homework as well.” Cabinet minister...
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