The Case Of The Disappearing Buses

This is a funny one from our friends at OC Transpo. Well it’s funny except if you are at a bus stop wondering where your bus is.

This moment from X is entitled OC Transpo Helps and below, one guesses, is how they help. Enjoy.

It’s interesting that OC Transpo really thinks that people plan their bus trips. When I took the bus in my misspent youth, my planning consisted of walking to the bus stop, then waiting for the bus. Oftentimes, it worked. You got on the bus and it took you someplace. What a concept.

But in the intervening years, and with the disappearance of the dinosaur, transit has changed. Traffic, in which people take cars because buses are unreliable, makes transit even more unreliable. Schedules aren’t even a suggestion.

What I would do to pass the time between buses that don’t show or which operate on the same schedule as Haley’s Comet, is think of new excuses to tell my boss why I’m late again. And while he’s waiting for me to show, he would be thinking of excuses not to fire me for the 1,473th time. This late trip might just be the lucky one that sends me to the food lines.

Remember, crappy traffic means crappy bus frequency. Or you could cycle from Embrun. You might meet Jeff Leiper on the way. Cycling with the stars.

And remember if things don’t work out with the boss when you finally get to work, it’s a damn nice day to line up for bread.

Yes, OC Transpo Helps, in the most subtle of ways. Why you hardly notice.

One thing certain. The out-of-service messages are on-time and on-budget.

Ken Gray


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6 Responses

  1. Miranda Gray says:

    I’m really curious if this a technical issue (of some new unusual type), a wave of driver illness or truly a mystery.

  2. Ron Benn says:

    Miranda, do you think that OC Transpo will share with the public the reason for the “… increase in the number of buses missing their trips.”? If they do, will you believe them. OC Transpo’s credibility is part of the problem. Open, transparent, accountable?

  3. sisco farraro says:

    Miranda. There’s a roving black hole making its way around the streets of Ottawa. And Ken, does “the 1,473th time” follow the “the 1,472th time”?

  4. Kosmo says:

    The Case Of The Disappearing Buses Is the sequel to The Case Of Disappearing Riders

  5. Diane Zarnke says:

    Ottawa’s bus/LRT system is the best advertisement for buying a car, or insisting on working from home.
    The LRT is the biggest waste of money Ottawa has ever gotten involved with.
    Thanks to Watson we have debt galore for a useless piece of junk, AND HE SKIPS OFF WITH HIS HUGE INDEXED PENSION AND WE GET TO PAY THE DEBT.

  6. Ken Gray says:

    You’re priceless kosmo — k

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