The Nightmayor That Fun Forgot: THE VOTER

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They’re announcing the nightmayor at 9:30 in the morning?

On a Tuesday? In the mayor’s office? I sense some confusion here. Wouldn’t a Friday or Saturday evening in the By Ward Market have made more sense? They could even have done it in front of the O-T-T-A-W-A sign. I’m sure the police chief would provide an extra platoon of officers to give them the necessary protection against the existing night time activities in the market.

I must confess that I don’t really understand in detail what this person is to do but I did get the idea they were focused on improving the night life offerings in the city. I’m pretty certain that the mayor’s office isn’t a centre of late night fiestas for the community but maybe that’s going to be the first thing this new person will be changing. Might as well start at the top of the city’s Tower of Boredom.

What nonsense.


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1 Response

  1. Kosmo says:

    Ottawa the town fun forgot… and crime and homeless found.

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