Transit System Gruesomely Slow: PATTON




Our wonky transit system, when running perfectly, is extremely slow.

A good OCTranspo day is still a bad day

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and the president of the Ottawa West-Nepean PC Association.


For You:

City LRT Is Just A Tramway In Disguise: BENN

Potential Safety Risks In Bus Maintenance: AG

Has Amilcar’s Best-Before Date Expired? THE VOTER


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7 Responses

  1. The Voter says:

    And, for the privilege of spending more than three times as long on her journey, the bus company is planning on raising her fare by up to 75% and cutting back even further on service!

    I wonder if they think that, since she’s spending more time on the bus/train, she (and all the rest of us) should pay more for the trip. Someone needs to explain to them that it doesn’t work that way.

  2. Kosmo says:

    Hey The Voter: OC Transpo has a new motto: We are not happy until you are not happy.

  3. Ken Gray says:

    priceless kosmo .. k

  4. Ron Benn says:

    Voter, you need to view this from a whole different perspective.

    What the people who are using public transit are doing is effectively ‘renting’ the use of space on the LRT and bus, whilst enroute between starting and ending points. Rent is usually a function of both space and time. The space a rider uses on the LRT and/or /bus doesn’t change materially during the trip, but the time that that space is being used during the trip is longer. So, isn’t it fair to increase the rent? A 75% increase in ‘rent’ is down right reasonable in comparison to a trip that takes 150% longer. Right?

  5. MM says:

    People think it’s bad now, wait until it snows.

  6. Bruce says:

    OC is at odds with the city in that they (OC) really does not want you as a customer. View the ride cost increase added time on the system, and reduced “service”
    The city is insisting the feds force in the office work days to bolster inner city livelihoods.
    Now why would a sane person ride the rails under these conditions?

  7. The Voter says:


    They could also charge a premium because, instead of just using one transit component i.e. the express bus directly from home to work, she’s now using different forms of transit including local buses plus the train. To do that she’s gone from two bus stops, one at home and the other near work, to consuming service at the train stations plus extra bus stops. This drastically increases the wear and tear on the bus company’s assets and somebody’s got to pay for that!

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