We’ll Be Back Soon

Time for a break from all this news.

We’ll be back before you know it, unless news breaks out. Then we’ll be back sooner.

Enjoy the great weather and the good people.

And don’t forget that all our regular news features continue to run in real time.

While the big dog is gone, gerbils continue to run such things as Full Local, Breaking News and even Bulldog Weather.

Have fun.


Friends: WE WERE ON A BREAK! (Clip) | TBS

See, they were on a break, too.


For You:

How Does Raccoon Afford Apartment? PATTON

Newspaper Circulation Plummets

OC Transpo In Death Spiral: PATTON

1 Response

  1. The Voter says:

    I hope that Friends clip doesn’t illustrate the kind of break you’re* taking from us!! And four months?!?

    *Note correct usage of “you’re”!

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