Will City Campaign Against Libs? PATTON




Upcoming general election perhaps? Will the city campaign against the federal government to get its money demands?

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and the president of the Ottawa West-Nepean PC Association.


For You:

Want Feds’ Money, Your Worship? Do A Whitton

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1 Response

  1. sisco farraro says:

    As noted previously, this year’s BIG Christmas item is going to be customized crying towels and there’s a volume discount for every hundred, eg. 100, 200, etc. purchased If the city’s not going to do anything except complain, rather than govern, then I don’t mind if they spend some of my hard-earned tax dollars on a hundred or so crying towels for the mayor, council and senior staff. At least we won’t have to listen to the moaning anymore.

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