BMWs Convoying To Ottawa To Fight Tax

The Bulldog cannot confirm the authenticity of this report from the Beaverton:

OTTAWA – Wealthy Canadians have begun a ‘Freegains convoy’ to Ottawa in their BMW X3s in protest of the government’s plan to raise the inclusion rate on annual capital gains in excess of $250,000.00 dollars.

“Not since the city of Toronto tried to build affordable housing in Rosedale has our community been so united in opposition,” said leader Harris Barnes Wentworth III, from his 2022 matte black X3, which comes with Bose speakers, individual climate control and a large LED display.

No word if, instead of blowing their car horns like the Freedom Convoy, protesters will rattle their jewels instead.

To read the full story from The Beaverton, click here.

3 Responses

  1. Bob Gauvreau says:

    At least the horns will not be as loud as the last group of protesters.
    Pierre, leader of the King’s Royal Opposition will probably take them for champagne at the Chateau Laurier.

  2. R says:

    Seriously? You know the beaverton is a satire site right? Shows the quality of “journalism” one can expect from this site when you’re posting satirical content and trying to pass it off as a real.

  3. Ken Gray says:

    R – Don’t be silly. Of course it is not real. Anyone would realize that. cheers k

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