Tent City Idea Just Ludicrous: THE VOTER

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That the tent city idea is just crazy.

The more I find out about this plan, the dumber it becomes. If it’s going to cost $440,000 for a family of four, would it not make way more sense to just put that money into an actual home and let them get started establishing themselves in their new community? That way kids could get started in the school they will be staying in and the adults could work on language skills and get started looking for work.

The sooner that a family can put down some roots and gain some stability, the sooner they’ll be able to settle in and make a place for themselves in Canada. I find it very concerning that children will start school while at the refugee camp; then three months later, be uprooted to be moved to transitional housing; then be uprooted again to go into whatever housing they can find. That’s not good for any child but will be particularly tough for a child who’s also been uprooted from their own country before they arrived in the Canadian refugee camp.

Given that the majority of councillors know absolutely nothing about refugees, I wish they had listened to Barrhaven West Councillor David Hill who actually has some experience and tried to tell them what a bad idea this was. But no, their minds were made up. Don’t confuse them with facts.


For You

Ottawa Tent City The Feds Fault: BENN

Refugee Tent City? Let’s Do Better: THE VOTER

Put Refugees Up In The Chateau: PATTON

1 Response

  1. c from Kanata says:

    I’d like to advise my neighbours on the community fb page but I can’t find any details on this. Is there a link or someplace with a full description what is going on? Thanks

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