Tewin Scandal Powers Bulldog To New Readership Record

On behalf of the management and staff here at Bulldog World Headquarters, we’d just like to thank everyone involved in the Tewin scandal (in which according to the City of Ottawa, there is no conflict of interest) for blasting this esteemed publication to a new readership record.

God bless you all. Happy Canada Day. Another reason to celebrate.

The Bulldog circulation department has informed your humble editor that in the month of June this website had 186,011 page views a week, absolutely destroying the previous record of 142,225 page views. It wasn’t that long ago that The Bulldog was fighting to rise above the 100,000 mark.

The Tewin scandal helped power Ottawa’s favourite website named after a dog to the record, particularly when the story  broke, setting a daily record on June 21 of 69,516 page views. We even counted the eyeballs as pairs unlike some other unsavoury publications.

Many thanks to all those Bulldog readers, contributors and the stoic Bulldog Commenting All-Stars who put sweat-equity into this website each day.

And once again, much gratitude to all those people involved in the Tewin scandal. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Keep up the good work.

Ken Gray 

Citizen Kane (1941) by Orson Welles, Clip: Hooray for The Bulldog! Southern Gothic thrives in Xanadu

The Bulldog is, in fact, not named after a  pooch. Instead it got its name from the first edition of the newspaper in the rabid competitive days of journalism. The bulldog (the paper one) was actually published late in the evening, stuffed into street boxes and carried the next day’s date. A bit of cheating there. In the video, The Bulldog is celebrated in one of the greatest movies of all time, Citizen Kane, based loosely on the life of newspaper baron William Randolph Hearst. Today, the real-life melodrama of a somewhat parallel story is played by Donald Trump.


For You:

Tent City Idea Just Ludicrous: THE VOTER

Ottawa Tent City The Feds Fault: BENN

Put Refugees Up In The Chateau: PATTON

6 Responses

  1. Bob Gauvreau says:

    Congrats Ken…. and thanksl your dedication and professionalism in your writings.
    One word to summarize my opinion of the excellent simple-to-read and understand articles by Ron BENN………WOW…! ! !

  2. Ken Gray says:

    thx bob very kind — cheers k

  3. Ron Benn says:

    Bob, I am flattered by your assessment of my columns. Thank you.

  4. The Voter says:

    …and we all thank our lucky stars that you came back from your break several years ago. Who knows how much of this stuff would slip under the radar without The Bulldog’s tenacious work? The Tewin fiasco may be one of the worst examples of the MSM virtually ignoring a story in many years but it’s far from the only one. It’s also up there for the prize for malfeasance on the part of staff and of councillors. (At first I thought it was willful ignorance but, as more comes out, I’ve upgraded it to malfeasance.)

    It’s amazing, isn’t it, what you can see when you have your eyes open and you certainly have at least one eye on so many things going on in this city. Thanks for all your work!

  5. Ken Gray says:


    Couldn’t a dunn it without ya.

    You’re the best and your contributions to The Bulldog have been and continue to be outstanding.

    Some day, when one of us is coming to a conclusion of some sort (a good one I hope), I would love to tell people who you are.

    But a deal is a deal and over all these years, I’ve never revealed your identity.

    It surprised the hell out of me when you said you were Ron Benn.



  6. Ron Benn says:

    Ron? Short for Rhonda or Veronica?

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