Eclipse Viewing Forecast To Be Good

The weather for Monday’s solar eclipse is expected to be sunny, zero chance of precipitation and 15 degrees C.

That sounds great but please take care to take the proper precautions. Viewing the eclipse with the naked eye or through unprotected viewing devices can cause temporary or permanent eye damage. The risk is real.

Below is a release on the topic from the City of Ottawa and a safety sheet from the Ontario Government:

The purpose of this memo is to provide you with information on the upcoming solar eclipse  on Monday, April 8, 2024, including health and safety guidance. 

The City of Ottawa has been preparing for this rare event, known as the “Great North  American Eclipse” by participating in a provincial working group, developing solar eclipse  safety messaging for residents and staff, and reviewing the potential impacts to our  community.  

Partial Solar Eclipse in Ottawa 

Although the City of Ottawa is not in the direct path of totality (where the moon completely  covers the sun), we will experience a partial eclipse with 98.87 % obscuration.  

Weather permitting, and while taking proper safety precautions, residents will be able to  see the sun’s outer atmosphere, which is usually hidden by the bright face of the sun, and  the sky will become dark, as if it were dawn or dusk.  

The partial eclipse in Ottawa will start on Monday, April 8 at 2:10 pm and end at 4:35 pm.  The darkest part of the partial eclipse will only last a few minutes at 3:25 pm. 

Since Ottawa is not in the path of totality, we will not be a viewing destination city. Instead,  it is likely that some residents will travel to nearby locations that are in the direct path. There could be increased travel within and out of the city from April 6 to 8, 2024.  

Please note that no formal “eclipse viewing” events are being planned by the City. Further,  employees and residents are not permitted on the rooftops of City facilities to watch the  eclipse. 

Health and Safety Guidance 

The best way to protect yourself from harm is to not look up at the sun at any time during a  partial or total solar eclipse. Doing so can cause temporary or permanent eye damage,  including loss of vision. 

The only way to lower risks of eye damage while looking directly at the uneclipsed or  partially eclipsed sun is through special-purpose solar filters, such as “solar eclipse  glasses” that comply with the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard. It is important to  note that homemade eclipse filters are not recommended and wearing regular sunglasses  do not provide a sufficient level of protection.  

Residents may wish to adjust their activities on April 8, if possible, to avoid the temptation  to have a quick glance up towards the sky (without the use of protective filters), during the  solar eclipse. 

Ottawa Public Health has developed a special page on their website with health and safety  recommendations for residents, as well as links to additional information.  

City Services 

City services will operate as business as usual on Monday, April 8, and safety precautions  will be taken. City Staff will be following workplace safety guidance, such as moving to  indoor programming for school-aged children or re-scheduling non-urgent outdoor work to  avoid the approximate 2 pm to 5 pm window of the partial eclipse in Ottawa.  

Workplace safety guidance on preparing for the solar eclipse has been shared with  managers and City staff via internal communications channels including the Management  Bulletin and In the Loop. This information will be reshared again through these channels in  the lead up to April 8. In addition, targeted communications will be issued by Departments  to frontline staff working outdoors on April 8.  

The City of Ottawa has developed a special page on that contains more  information on the partial solar eclipse.  

Public Communications 

In addition to the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Public Health webpages, social media posts  will be issued by Ottawa Public Health and the City before and on the day of the solar  eclipse.  

Emergency Management Ontario has provided a one-page solar eclipse information sheet  (please see attached).  

The Canadian Space Agency has also published a “guide to the solar eclipse” on their  website: Canadian Space Agency – Solar Eclipse 

Ottawa Public Library  

The Ottawa Public Library (OPL) is taking this opportunity to support and educate residents  who want to view this once in a lifetime experience from right here in the city. 

They will be providing free solar eclipse glasses to residents (2 per household while  supplies last) and a printed handout with safety instructions. OPL will launch this initiative  on March 28, 2024. For more information you can contact Sarah Macintyre 

Next Steps 

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is coordinating the City’s preparations for the  April 8 solar eclipse. This includes liaison with a broad range of stakeholders. The OEM will  work closely with Public Information and Media Relations to ensure that the City of Ottawa  solar eclipse webpage is updated, as required, leading up to the event. 


Kim Ayotte 

General Manager, Emergency and Protective Services 


April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse – Safety Sheet


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