Airline Starts Shocking Ultra-Low No-Flight Fare

The Beaverton breaks an exclusive story on the ultimate in low-cost air flights:

Days after announcing an UltraBasic fare that includes no carry-on bags or seat selection, WestJet has announced a SuperUltraBasic ticket that skips the plane ride entirely.

“Here at WestJet, we realise that Canadians hate flying with WestJet,” said a WestJet representative. “So why not avoid all the stress and exhaustion of dealing with us by sending us 100 bucks and then enjoying a nice, quiet evening at home?”

For an extra $60, WestJet will text a SuperUltraBasic ticket holder a picture of the arrival concourse at the Canadian airport of their choice. And, for an extra $85, a WestJet representative will come to your house, remove a beloved article of clothing, and ensure you never see it again.

To read the full story in The Beaverton, click here.


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