Lansdowne: Closed, Uncaring, Exclusive

This is the kind of release that makes you ill.

This is a missive from our friends at the city media relations department, Happy Town News.

It is a warm and fuzzy invitation to come to a meeting concerning the controversial event centre as part of the controversial Lansdowne 2.0 project.

Of course, HTN and our city fathers don’t want any untoward ruffled feathers on this project.

Accordingly, it was released to media people mostly unless there are people out there who actually subscribe to the City of Ottawa treacle feed. A few perhaps.

So essentially this release was sent out into the ether about nine hours prior to the first meeting to discuss this event centre, which looks to be over-priced, under-seated and has all the continuing problems of Lansdowne such as being in the wrong location, no mass transit, no parking but lots of traffic congestion, and being the wrong concept (ain’t retail-on-foot grand these days what with online shopping and mountains of theft) at the wrong time. And one more thing. With the skyrocketing interest in women’s professional hockey, there are many who don’t think the event centre (arena) will be big enough.

Anyway, the city, as usual, is trying it’s best to look ever-so-close to the people with lots of events to show they are listening and they care. They don’t. They haven’t listened in the past and they won’t listen in the future. But they want to look as though they are listening so they can break out a sheet of paper with all the intense-listening events in case they are doubted. When I think sincerity, I think City of Ottawa. That’s why potential employees are avoiding it as though they would catch the Black Plague. Which given it is carried by rats, the store-your-garbage-on-your-own-property new refuse master plan will likely increase our rodent population, so the fears of the new recruits might not be completely unfounded.

Anyway in a nutshell, the missive was released to virtually no one hours before the first event and then the next one is in the dead of summer when only mad dogs and Englishman will venture out into the noon-day sun. If the heat don’t get you, the rats will. The release was also entitled “June Builders” which of course points you immediately to Lansdowne for the few people who will read it.

They aren’t going to change the event centre. Well that’s not quite true. They could take a suggestion to change the house beer from Bud to Blue.


Don’t waste your time. This fix is in.

Ottawa City Hall: Closed, Uncaring and Exclusive. Oh almost forget … hideously incompetent.

Our city fathers want to animate the concrete emporium that is Lansdowne.

You want animation? Stay home and watch Bugs Bunny.

Ken Gray


Classic Yosemite Sam vs Bugs Bunny

Not Lansdowne animation.


This is a release from the City of Ottawa:

June City Builders

Event centre site plan is the next step for Lansdowne 2.0
The City of Ottawa is preparing the site plan for the Lansdowne 2.0 event centre. Before the site plan is designed, we need your input on what should be included.

The event centre is just one part of Lansdowne 2.0, and designing the site plan is just the next step. For more information and background on this important City project, visit Engage Ottawa.

There will be two in-person events this summer where you can learn more about the event centre site plan and provide your input:
Tuesday, June 18, from 6:30 pm to 8 pm
Inside Gate 2 at TD Arena
Sunday, August 11, from 9 am to 3 pm – Lansdowne Farmers Market booth

Based on the feedback received on the site plan, a draft site plan will be published on DevApps and on Engage Ottawa. You will have one more opportunity to provide feedback on the draft plan at a public meeting on Tuesday, September 10.

The site plan is also scheduled to be reviewed by the City’s Accessibility Committee before it is finalized by staff and presented to Committee and Council for their consideration.

As the City and its partners move ahead with a detailed design, staff will report to Council later next year on the final package of approvals, including the final construction price, final air rights value and any required funding strategy amendments prior to construction. For more information, follow this project’s Engage Ottawa page. You can also email us at

Lansdowne Community Engagement
We’ve reached out to you in a variety of ways over the last year about Lansdowne 2.0. We want to know what worked best. Please take this survey to help us decide how to consult with you on this and future projects.

3 Responses

  1. Diane Zarnke says:

    If there is a CHOICE between money for an event center…….AND MORE PARAMETICS………GOOD GOD, folks
    Paramedic needs come before entertainment events….surely to God.

  2. Ron Benn says:

    So you think there is a difference between mad dogs and Englishmen?

  3. Ken Gray says:

    r – i like dogs and englishmen — cheers k

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