When Will OC Transpo Get It? PATTON




Come on, OC Transpo. Two weeks for “routine” maintenance?

When OC Transpo Takes a Vacation

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and a Conservative activist.


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2 Responses

  1. Bruce says:

    `When will O.C. get it “ Mike about the same time as CBC stops giving out `bonus“ for failing to meet unstated and unknown objectives, which will be when the city AG does her job and initiates an audit of the complete failure of city staff and the Mayor not just LRT but the whole lack of management of OTTAWA. From Tewin to ORGAWORLD to garbage to potholes and deficient asphalt to bridge collapses and on and on. Sounds like NEVER?

  2. C from Kanata says:

    This is a 2 week ANNUAL shutdown and someone mentioned on the LRT Wrecked FB site that there is another shutdown in October! Apparently it’s on your site that I haven’t looked yet.
    If one were into conspiracy theories, one might note that this Quebec company two weeks shut down overlaps one week with the Quebec construction week two week holidays. So it makes one wonder whether or not this annual event will be so that the Quebec maintenance company can have a vacation during the Quebec construction week. But that would be conspiracy thinking

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