Homeless Should Live In Electric Cars: PATTON

Ottawa City Hall appears to be more interested in saving the environment single-handedly than saving the homeless at the front door:

You could always live in your electric car

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and a Conservative activist.


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3 Responses

  1. C from Kanata says:

    I think I know where the third possible location for the sprung shelters will be. Cathy Curry who is my councillor is a disciple of Jim Watson and tends to gloss over items of high importance, mentioned the shelters for the first time, their importance, and that staff solely have the right to decide where they go. Sounds like N. Kanata is the 3rd secret possible location. I actually believe they will be doing three of these sets of shelters once the first is approved

  2. Ken Gray says:


    Ms Curry is a vision of noversight in action. Staff solely has the responsibility of where these can go. That way, she doesn’t have to take responsibility for the decision.

    No wonder she was sitting with Jim Watson at a hockey game. She was getting political mentoring.

    If she were a right-thinking individual, she would say (and do) that it is the role of council to choose those locations on the advice of staff.

    Staff doesn’t “solely” have the right to do anything unless it is given an OK from council.

    Were I Curry, I would be keeping staff on the tightest of ropes after the horrible job it has done on a number of big files.

    If Curry wants to get into trouble, let staff have its way.

    If you want to do something right at city hall, do the opposite of staff.

    You would think Curry would have learned something in her time at city hall beyond what’s best for her.



  3. Ron Benn says:

    I find it interesting that Hydro Ottawa will spend any of their self acknowledged limited capital on EV stations, in contrast to upgrading the local grid, which is their primary responsibility. The capacity of the grid along the St. Laurent corridor, in particular the part that is not capable of feeding the under capacity OC Transpo electric bus charging station comes to mind. So too does the under capacity Stittsville area. An area that is well within the existing urban boundary. An area where demand for residential housing is high.

    EV stations can and should be built by private sector entities, not the wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Ottawa. That private sector entities are not lining up to build EV charging stations should be viewed as a red flag about the quality of the business case. But that would require an understanding of first year, first semester economics and pretty much any first year course covering how businesses make decisions. The apparent lack of understanding of both of these basic elements of decision making speaks volumes about both staff and council.

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