THIS JUST IN: There Is Hope For Humanity

Your agent has always been a big fan of sports, both as a spectator and a participant (with varying degrees of success).

I’ve always thought it is important to have a sport. It makes you a better person … the joy, the competition, the defeats, the victories and the fun. Of course it is good for the mind, body and soul but it also allows you to meet people you would not normally know. Many of my best friends are people with whom I played sports for decades. Lucky me.

The Olympics on now cover the whole spectrum of emotions. And people meet who would not normally meet. People make friends like the youngsters below:


For You:

Canada Deserves Penalty After Olympic Drone Spying

A Good Take From TSN On Rielly’s Head-Shot

1 Response

  1. The Voter says:

    Trying very hard to share your optimism but … what repercussions will there be when those young people get home? Hopefully, they are such good athletes that that overcomes any distress their country’s leaders may feel about them fraternizing with the enemy.

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