Don’t Be Baird, Carol Anne Meehan: THE VOTER


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Like many others in Ottawa, I have a lot of respect for journalist and politician Carol Anne Meehan for the contributions she’s made to the community.

It concerns me greatly when she says she wants to bring us more of former federal and provincial cabinet minister John Baird’s brand of politics to Ottawa West-Nepean. That would be the guy who, among other things, helped derail the Chiarelli LRT program and so Baird bears a lot of responsibility for the “new and improved” version we have in its place. A fiasco.

After many, many millions more have been spent than would have been the case with the original version, we still don’t have a functioning rail system and have a $8.6-billion hole at OC Transpo. We are paying out multi-million-dollar settlements to LRT contractors which is money that’s no longer available to improve service and finish the construction of the LRT. They’ve even screwed up the original O-train line that was highly successful with the very late Trillium Line.

Does she really want to be another Baird and wreak havoc on the city? She badly needs to rethink the role models she wants to emulate.


For You:

In Ottawa, Democracy Is Dead

Outrage Or Fairy Tale? The $8.6-Billion Transit Hole

Our Myopic City Staff: BENN

4 Responses

  1. Charles Brown says:

    Not to mention Baird’s hand in tipping the decision for the site of the new TOH from Tunney’s Pasture to Dow’s Lake. Tunney’s will now be plundered by developers. Carling and Preston will be a congested nightmare. The eastern edge of the Farm is being destroyed along with 750 trees. All because they “improved” the existing Civic Hospital to the point of dysfunctionality, contaminated with superbugs. Surely the multi-million dollar expansion completed in 2006 was expected to accommodate the sick in Ottawa beyond 20 years?

  2. Andrew says:

    Both Ken and Charles are 100% correct. We will be negatively impacted by Baird politics for decades (forever in the TOH location case). I hope his style is not what Carol Anne and future conservative politics will do to this city.

  3. Watching Carefully says:

    Well the truth is out. If anyone should know about the disaster he was… it should be an ex journalist and politician.

  4. Bob says:

    Why re-enter the political domain and emulate anyone….? Be yourself and present new and genuine suggestions and solutions so a voter can evaluate you or re-turn to reading the news on TV.

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