Sudds Tells It Like It Is On City Spending: QUOTABLE




“As a city council that has maintained property tax increases at less than the rate of inflation, there are arguably challenges with those decisions and whether they’re sustainable,”

Kanata-Carleton MP Jenna Sudds, the capital region’s senior member of Parliament


Many people have been snowed by Mayor Mark Sutcliffe’s claim that Ottawa is treated fiscally unfairly.

However, not the federal government as you can see from the quote above. Nor the provincial government.

And those two entities are the ones that Sutcliffe needs to avoid a huge property-tax increase.

Now he will make a speech along the lines of “I’ve tried to get taxpayers fairness from the two senior levels of government. But they won’t cooperate. They are being unfair. And oh yes, here’s your seven-per-cent property-tax increase.”

That kind of tax boost is pretty tough to overcome at the polls. Sutcliffe is fighting for his political life.

Ken Gray


For You:

City Must Clean Up Its Own Fiscal Mess: SUDDS

Cullen, MacLeod Agree On City Spending: QUOTABLE

Province Should Intervene Now To Save City: THE VOTER

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