Sutcliffe Should Be Like Catterall: THE VOTER


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I’m getting really tired of the acceptance of bad behaviour just because “that’s how it is”.

From our early school days, we’re conditioned to put up with behaviour that shouldn’t be acceptable in society. Eventually we grow up and are still expected to tolerate people who need, in reality, to have their anti-social behaviours reined in.

Does Mayor Mark Sutcliffe know the difference between telling the actual truth and massaging or manipulating bits and pieces of the truth? Of course he does but he chooses to do the latter – and “chooses” is an important verb because he has the option of telling the unvarnished truth and deliberately chooses not to do so.

Does he know that some people will believe him because of the office he holds? Yes, he does and he chooses to mislead them. Does he know that many people don’t have the information that would let them understand that he’s bamboozling them? Indeed he does but he chooses to take advantage of their lack of access to essential information.

None of this is accidental. Sutcliffe has chosen to obfuscate and lie, both outright and indirectly to reach a goal knowing full well that he is doing so. He obviously doesn’t care much about the people who, because of his actions and behaviour, don’t have access to the whole truth. If he did, he would behave differently.

You ask if he’s really different from any other politician. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if he were? He could be but intentionally chooses not to and that’s not okay. It’s not okay for him and it’s not okay for the rest of them.

There have been politicians who chose another route and were still successful. An example that immediately comes to mind is MP Marlene Catterall who we lost recently. She was a decent human being and a decent politician. Sutcliffe would do well to emulate her.

The Voter is a respected community activist and long-time Bulldog commenter who prefers to keep her identity private.


For You:

City PILT Fairness Campaign Is Unfair

No Money But City Keeps Spending: THE VOTER

MacLeod Notes Disgust With Sutcliffe ‘Fairness’ Campaign

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2 Responses

  1. Annette Goldenberg says:

    What I just don’t understand how did all those voters happen to believe everything he lied about before the election. I never believed a word that he has ever said. I do not know why but every time he would open his mouth I knew a lie would come out. It almost reminds me of the USA election with the past president opening his mouth with lie after lie. People just want to believe and now see what happens. Our election is still far off. It’s sad that this mayor can’t be fired and the public will still have to listen to all his B.S.

  2. Been There says:

    All those voters believed what he said simply because that was what they were told by the media. Too many people in Ottawa look to only one source for news and unfortunately Sutcliffe worked for that radio station. Not many saw him as a personality looking for a job. Hopefully next time around enough people will have seen him for what he is and vote accordingly.

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