Stop O-Train, Save Money: PATTON




How to save municipal money? Drop the O-Train.

When OCTranspo is doing better than Me

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and the president of the Ottawa West-Nepean PC Association.


For You:

Poor Mike Patton. He’s Got The Covid

Earn Your Money Councillors: BENN

Fairness Campaign: The Hypocrisy Is Overwhelming


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2 Responses

  1. sisco farraro says:

    Good News! But, sometimes, when the star of the show isn’t feeling that great it’s time to lean on the sidekick. Now’s the time to get kitty to pad around a bit in the background to create a minor diversion.

  2. The Voter says:


    Some advice. Life is short -eat the ice cream!

    It’s amazing how, even when very sick, you can make more sense than the people at OC Transpo. On second thought, maybe that’s not a very high standard to meet let alone exceed. Regardless, eat the ice cream!

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