City Gets It Wrong On Snow


So what’s going on here? The city is naming snowplows again.

Weren’t they all named last season? Or have we bought a whole new fleet of plows that are having an identity crisis?

It’s so hard to know.

So come up with your name for a snow plow.

I’m thinking the HMCS Tim Tierney. Or the Watsonator. Or the Sutcliffester Or perhaps What A Useless Contest Done Twice When The City Is Low On Cash (if it is).

This is part of a release from the City of Ottawa:


Name the Plow Campaign

Calling all children and youth under the age of 16! We are excited to announce today’s launch of the “Name the Plow” campaign where you can participate in naming 24 City of Ottawa snowplows, symbolizing the city’s 24 wards. The campaign aims to raise awareness about snowplow safety among Ottawa’s children and youth while adding some fun to the winter season.

How to participate:

Name submission period: September 9 – 30
Voting period: October 14 – 21
Announcement of winning names: October 24
Visit the Engage Ottawa page for more campaign info.


For You:

Webpushr: A New Way To Enjoy The Bulldog

City Just Wants A Blank Cheque: PATTON

Mark Sutcliffe, Do Better: MULVIHILL


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1 Response

  1. Closely Watching says:

    Oh Now John,

    This is step too far. It is actually fun ….and shows some innovation in getting the message about safety. Not everything the City does is wrong.

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