‘Experienced Staff’ Fix Crippled O-Train: THE VOTER


Thank heaven OC Transpo was able to deploy “experienced staff” to deal with yesterday’s O-Train outage.

The fact that they specifically noted this makes me wonder if it’s their habit to send inexperienced staff to deal with emergencies. We may be getting to the root of the problem here. This could explain why it takes so long to get things repaired and back in service.

Did it take from 6:10 to 7:30 to find someone with experience and get them on site? Why wasn’t it all-hands-on-deck right away? Even their inexperienced staff who, presumably, were the second group to be deployed, could have contributed something unless they have no training/experience whatsoever.

Does anyone proofread OC Transpo general manager Rene Amilcar’s communications before they go out? Did she mean to end it as it is or did she forget “as possible”? Or maybe they were doing it quickly but not as quickly as possible. That would not surprise me at all.

The Voter is a respected community activist and long-time Bulldog commenter who prefers to keep her identity private.


For You:

Get It Together City Of Ottawa: PATTON

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2 Responses

  1. Ken Gray says:

    The Voter:

    City staff has had lots of opportunities to gain experience.



  2. Kosmo says:

    The trains were not fixed with the recent breakdown, all they did was turn off the cameras. Does this pose a different safety issue without the cameras working?

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