Council, Lo Denied Access To Sprung Structure Info

Barrhaven East Councillor Wilson Lo has been forced to file a municipal freedom of information request to get information on the locations of sprung structures for refugees in Ottawa.

Lo has been refused access to the locations at a meeting of Ottawa City Council, another meeting of staff and his own requests.

This flies in the face of the conclusions of the provincial light-rail inquiry where it was discovered that staff and senior political officials denied council critical information on the condition of the troubled light-rail project.

This from a newsletter from Lo:

I have an obligation as your elected City Councillor to be open and transparent about my actions and decision making. Though it’s enshrined in our Code of Conduct, it’s still my commitment to you.

Though the Code of Conduct for Members of Council? does speak to safeguarding confidential information, none of the information so far relating to sprung structure shelters meet confidentiality criteria.

You’ve known what I know, but sometimes with a bit of a lag while I sought clarity, extra information, or otherwise.

At the Council meeting and staff meeting in July, as well as on several occasions since, staff were requested to share the full list of properties to be considered and the selection criteria which led to the original short list.

That list has yet to be shared, although it’s my understanding a draft memo with the requested information was made ready in July but has been kept on hold since.

Yesterday, my office filed an information request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) to obtain all information and documents relating to sprung structure shelters, including the list of all sites considered and selection criteria, among other items.

(MFIPPA requests are the municipal equivalent to ATIPs at the federal level. Both are sometimes referred to as freedom of information requests.)

Staff have up to 30 calendar days to complete the request. Upon receipt of the requested information, I will read and understand it, then share it with you.

This newsletter excerpt is courtesy of the city-wide community group Your Applewood Acres (And Beyond) Neighbours.


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3 Responses

  1. Ron Benn says:

    That a councillor has to file an official request for information from the city is an embarrassment. Having said that, since city hall has no shame, the senior staff who are blocking his requests through less official channels are likely incapable of recognizing it.

  2. Ken Gray says:


    It really is an outrage. It would be a nice change if council would strongly support a councillor making an important request.



  3. sisco farraro says:

    From what I have seen and read about councilor Lo, he seems to be one of the brighter lights at the council table. Perhaps his honesty frightens those who have served on council and senior city management for a longer period. If Mark Sutcliffe was an effective leader he would be encouraging others working at city hall to follow Mr Lo’s lead.

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