Best Civic Ways To Promote Rats: TOP 10 LIST

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Ottawans are rightly concerned about our infestation of rats.

So The Bulldog, as a public service, has suggested ways we can accommodate rats into the urban landscape. This comes after some councillors suggested family planning for rats rather than killing them:

We do this by way of a Top 10 List:


Top 10 Ways To Make Ottawa A Better Place For Rats:

10. NCC Weekend Rat Days;

9. Make LRT “rat-friendly”;

8. Name cheese, not shawarma, Ottawa’s official food;

7. Take three years to find “root cause” of rat explosion;

6. Name Ottawa The Rat Capital of Canada;

5. Make rat Ottawa’s official rodent;

4. Present noted rat with Key To The Burrow;

3. Hire consultant to find rat best practices:

2. Name official to promote rat nightlife;

1. Rat paths.

Ken Gray


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3 Responses

  1. Randi says:

    very funny

  2. Merrill Smith says:

    Adopt German as a third official language and rename city hall the Rathaus.

  3. Ron Benn says:

    Nicely done Merrill.

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