Carr Shows The Precarious Position Of The Asylum-Seeker

Here are some interesting observations from Alta Vista Councillor Marty Carr concerning asylum-seekers.

Just in these two paragraphs, I learned more about the status and situation of these people in a very difficult slpot than I’ve seen in all the stories on sprung structures and the like.

“It is important to understand that the population that will be served is not eligible for permanent housing. To be on the social housing registry for subsidized housing, you need to be a Canadian citizen, a landed immigrant, a refugee or a refugee claimant. An asylum seeker has not yet been legally recognized as a refugee and is waiting to receive a decision on their asylum claim.  To purchase or rent a home, a person typically requires proof of income and government issued identification. Asylum seekers do not have these documents. It takes time to be document-ready for housing, and as well for their asylum claim to be heard and granted.

“Asylum seekers worldwide are dependent on non-profits and shelters when they arrive. There is no program in place anywhere that offers immediate, permanent housing to asylum seekers.”

It’s nice to see Carr taking her job seriously. Rather than mugging for cameras during city hall You Tube broadcasts that have three or four viewers, here she gives us some considered thought. She is a supporter of sprung structures.

Maybe Carr has the ability to grow into her job and become an asset to the people of this city. The above says she does.

Ken Gray

The quote from Carr is courtesy of the city-wide community group Your Applewood Acres (And Beyond) Neighbours


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