City Doesn’t Know When Trillium LRT Line Will Be Finished .bar


“We are getting closer to launching the system and are in the final stages of testing trains, training the team, and completing construction activities. Once these activities are complete, the trial running phase will start.”

City of Ottawa release on when the Trillium LRT and airport lines will open


In Thursday’s press release on the state of the LRT Trillium and airport lines, the City of Ottawa poses the question: “When will Lines 2 and 4 open?”

The release goes through all kinds of hoops explaining testing of the system, already two years late.

But just one thing is missing.

The answer to the question above. No date is given.

This is a waffle. Pose the question that people want to know as though the question is being addressed but then baffle the reader with bull stuff.

Here’s what OC Transpo was trying to disguise. The project is already two years late and OC Transpo does not know when it will be completed.

Ken Gray

For You:

Here’s The Release On Bus Crash Inquest

The Nightmayor Speaks: What Ottawa Needs

When Will OC Transpo Get It? PATTON

1 Response

  1. C from Kanata says:

    The new bus system called A New Way To Bus is supposed to be implemented with the LRT is functional, but they city hasn’t said which LRT line of if it is supposed to only be implemented when both LRT lines are in operation. This New Way To Bus will dramatically reduce routes in the city and the signs are already in place to be unveiled when it is to be implemented. So will the city now implement this new service reduction before any new LRT system is in place?

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