Developers Back Ford Housing Plan

This is a release from the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association:

August 20, 2024 — The Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association (GOHBA) applauds today’s  announcement by the Ontario government regarding the release of the updated Provincial  Planning Statement (PPS), formerly the Provincial Policy Statement. This new PPS is a critical step forward in empowering municipalities with the tools and flexibility they need to expedite the construction of new homes, aligning with the Ontario government’s ongoing efforts to cut  red tape and streamline approvals. 

“Ottawa has a housing pledge of 151,000 new homes locally by 2032,” said Jason Burggraaf,  GOHBA Executive Director. “This updated PPS better defines the path we need to take and will  help all levels of government to align their efforts to address the current housing supply and  affordability crisis.” 

The PPS sets the policy foundation for regulating the development and use of land province wide. Critical improvements in the updated PPS include: 

  • Standardizing municipal population and employment growth forecasts across the  province by using Ministry of Finance projections. 
  • Simplifying how municipalities can manage their settlement areas. 
  • Delineating specific boundaries and minimum density targets for major transit station  areas and higher-order transit corridors.  

“We need to increase both the supply and diversity of housing in Ottawa and across the  province,” Burggraaf said. “Increasing the speed and affordability to build all types of homes  means more choice for all of Ottawa’s residents — not only for those looking for a home of  their own now or who will be in the future, but also for those of us who have a home currently  but will want the ability to move at some point. 

“This new PPS is welcome news for all of us as it ensures there is clear direction on increasing  housing supply, which is the critical step to improve housing affordability in communities big  and small across the province.” 

For additional information or to schedule an interview, contact Jason Burggraaf at

The Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association has been the proud voice for excellence in the  home building community since 1951. Builders, developers, renovators, trade contractors,  suppliers and manufacturers make up the core of the Association’s membership of over 430 companies. New home construction and professional renovation account for more than 38,000  jobs, $2.7 billion in wages and $5.7 billion in economic investment across Ottawa.


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2 Responses

  1. John Langstone says:

    “Ottawa has a housing pledge of 151,000 new homes locally by 2032,” said Jason Burggraaf. In terms of a numbers crisis, Ottawa’s actual population is tracking below the Official Plan forecast. Digging into the numbers, Ottawa’s Official Plan forecasts population of 1,095,500 in 2023 when the pledge was made. The population forecast for 2032 is 1,234,300 for an increase of 138,800. So we propose 151,000 new homes for 138,800 people where we typically have in excess of two people per household. So it appears we propose be building in the order of twice the new homes that we will have people to fill in 2032. Mr Burggraff wants us to believe the industry he speaks for will be building all these empty homes and still be targeting profitability?

  2. Andrew says:

    What do we “give up” to get the approval of developers? Quite a bit, I bet.

    It seems, nothing Doug does is to be in the best interest of citizens.

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