Did Jeff Leiper Provoke Cycling Incident?


Long-time Bulldog commenter Andrew Zenner has found some additional information on Kitchissippi Councillor Jeff Leiper’s bike incident:


Leiper announced last week on his Facebook page that he was going to be deliberately provocative in his approach to cycling.

From his Facebook page “I think it’s time for #TakeTheLaneTuesday. Starting with my commute home, I’ll take the car lane rather than the bike lane where bike lanes are present”. Since the video is from Tuesday, and he is heading west, this could have been his choice to deliberately ride in the middle of the lane while using parked cars as an excuse. I would note that when I used to cycle home regularly to Westboro, I too found Wellington West to be dangerous, especially after the city implemented traffic calming.

I found a very sensible and legal solution. I cycled across Armstrong which has no traffic and runs parallel to Wellington West only one block north. Interestingly, on CTV they interviewed a cyclist on West Wellington as part of this story. The cyclist was lamenting how bad were the drivers on this street while riding his bike down the sidewalk.


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4 Responses

  1. John Langstone says:

    Forty years ago or so, the term, “Share the Road,” was used by cycling groups advocating for improved safety on roads. Today for many cyclists, I wonder if it has not become, “Take the road.” One wonders whether Lieper’s real interests are safe cycling or impeding vehicle traffic.

  2. sisco farraro says:

    After watching and re-watching Jeff Leiper’s video yesterday I noted that at 17 seconds Leiper passes a cyclist who was using the road safely. Throughout the video Leiper was acting as an impediment to motorists (I’m sure he would have cried foul had he been struck by one of the three cars that had to go around him when he was the source of the problem). If Leiper was trying to make a point (other than he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer), it was not obvious. If his goal is to cause problems he is succeeding in many ways. Perhaps he should start acting more like a role model and using OC Transpo to get around the city.

  3. Annette Goldenberg says:

    Look I wouldn’t put anything past Lieper. If he can’t get his way, he will conger up a story like he did. To bad the driver who passed him can’t
    come forward to hear his part of this weird story.

  4. Diane Zarnke says:

    If I ran the city……bicyclist of any age would be restricted to BIKE PATHS ONLY. …..not on bike lanes, roads or anywhere else
    Most appear to be intent on causing trouble, accidents, and have not idea about rules of the road.

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