Doug Ford Must Act Now To Fix City Hall Chaos

So Doug Ford, what does it take for the province to rein in the out-of-control spending and chaotic organization at the City of Ottawa?

Here’s the tale of the tape premier:

  • The city maintains it has an $8.6-billion hole in its transit system;
  • The city is doing confidential settlements with unknown parties concerning unknown problems in the light-rail fiasco which, according to the CBC, is running in the hundred of millions of dollars;
  • A discretionary coroner’s inquest has been called into the horrific Westboro bus crash five years ago and the results, from insider indications told to The Bulldog, are likely to be shocking;
  • Open government is dead in the darkness of closed administration on Laurier Avenue;
  • The director of the light-rail disaster is leaving;
  • So many senior managers have left the City of Ottawa that many titles start with interim;
  • Excellent people are not applying for good, important jobs at city hall because the ethical and administrative morass is appalling;
  • The city closes the O-Train and Scott Street which runs beside LRT at the same time the main transportation corridor in the city, Highway 417, is shut creating traffic chaos;
  • The city cannot get a handle on fixing and finishing the monstrously late and wholly unreliable light-rail project;
  • The bus system has been butchered;
  • City council will not fulfill its legally mandated role of oversight.

All this within the space of two weeks.

For the love of god, premier, when will the Ontario government, which is responsible for municipal governments, act to  appoint a commissioner and board (plus a battalion of auditors) to set administration, ethics and democracy straight at the City of Ottawa?

This woeful mess cannot be allowed to continue any longer.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford do your job.

Ken Gray

For You:

The Sleazy Morass Of Ottawa City Hall

Don’t Be Baird, Carol Anne Meehan: THE VOTER

Meehan’s No Pol But A Phenomenon: PATTON

4 Responses

  1. John Langstone says:

    One elephant in the room is the new zoning by-law which represents a pretty dramatic change in residential neighbourhoods. Property owners should be paying careful attention. New maximum densities that weren’t in the Official Plan have been introduced in zoning (in the order of at least double the target densities in the Official Plan) , and some lot severance permissions that could double the federal four units per serviced lot rule on the original lot. This appears to be potentially enabled by an omnubus change in the Official Plan in the works. Anyone aware of that? I thought zoning was the specific wording to put in place the policies in what I assume is the provincially approved Official Plan. But one has to wonder if the Official Plan isn’t being modified to to match the zoning now being proposed.

  2. Nicholas says:

    He doesn’t care Ken. To Doug, Ottawa is the Liberal bastion where Trudeau lives. He probably enjoys seeing it in the mess it’s in, knowing full well that even if he did come in to straighten things out, he’d get pilloried for intruding into municipal jurisdiction (as he has been in Toronto on a number of occasions).

    No, this is going to get much worse before it gets better.

  3. Paul says:

    @Nicholas – firmly agree

    DoFo has demonstrated time and again that he couldn’t care less about what happens in Ottawa.

  4. sisco farraro says:

    Unfortunately, Doug Ford is not paid to babysit Ottawa or his job would pay him an additional $5 per hour or whatever the present going rate is for baby sitters. The root cause of the 2 weeks of horror Ken has pointed out is the Ottawa voters. We complain again and again and then elect the same group to sit around the council table on Laurier Avenue. Why? It makes no sense to me. Maybe we should set a maximum 2 or 3 term limit on city councilors.

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