First Bold Moves By Nightlife Committee: TOP 10 LIST


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Only in Ottawa would you strike a nightlife committee to apportion fun.

Yup, that’s what we’ve done.

So without anymore talking, we take you to an intelligent, contemplated investigation of the City of Ottawa’s nightlife committee.

We do this by way of a Top 10 List.


Top 10 Decisions Of Ottawa Nightlife Committee

10. Name Sleep-eze the official drug of Ottawa;

9. Adopt Robert’s Rules of Drinking;

8. No dancing until quorum met on dance floor;

7. First committee appointment … Alan Hubley;

6. Create quotas for night activities: Dancing 40 per cent; Drinking 20 per cent; Conversation 10 per cent; Mugging 15 per cent; pick-pocketing five per cent; Armed robbery five per cent; Patios four per cent; Wild sweaty sex one per cent;

5. Boost, The Official Sponsor of Ottawa’s Nightlife Committee;

4. Build statue of Perry Como;

3. Hold Market festival … Shawarmarama;

2. Move Question Period to York Street;

1. Give Barry Manilow key to the city.

Ken Gray


"Perry Como: Still Alive" SCTV S4 E10 1981

Here’s why there will be a Perry Como statue in Ottawa.


Best Emmy Moment Ever

The high esteem in which Barry Manilow is held.


For You:

Don’t Be An Idiot: BENN

Work Improved At Home: Ex-Transit Commish

Work-At-Home: One Size Fails To Fit All: BENN


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5 Responses

  1. Ron Benn says:

    Ken, #6 only adds to 100%. Aren’t you prepared to give 110%?

  2. Ken Gray says:


    My greatest fear was getting that wrong.



  3. Peter Karwacki says:

    Funny cause its truthy

  4. David says:

    Ten Ottawa Emulations for Our World Class City (night lights required)

    1. Wellington Street Statue – THE SPEAKER (after Rodin)
    2. ByMarket Flower Beds (after Babylon Gardens)
    3. Lincoln Heights LRT Obelisk – (after Battle of Waterloo)
    4. Watson Where Are You – Mural in Marion Dewer Plaza (after Alex Bell’s first call)
    5. Annual Amalgamation Fireworks (after Battle of Trafalgar)
    6. New Ottawa Library (after Great Pyramid of Giza)
    7. Rideau Sinkhole (after USA Grand Canyon)
    8. Laurier West Monument to Debt (after Eiffel Tower)
    9. The LeBreton Tribute to East German Architecture
    10. City Hall Painting: The Tears of Democracy (after Edvard Munch)

    And ……. a bonus ……. The NightMayor’s Moment – A mini Bell Centre replica ……….mounted on pontoons (skis in winter) …… as a permanent fixture on the canal. With hockey sound effects from the Bell Centre. Go Montréal Canadiens!

  5. Kosmo says:

    Should number 2 happen, Jagmeet Singh won’t be so tough.

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