Garbage = Rats: BENN



There is an endless amount of evidence that correlates the quantity of physical waste to the rat population.

Rather than address the known link and increase the frequency of removal of physical waste from denser urban neighbourhoods, the city spends dollars on people who come up with fanciful ‘solutions’.

Much like the people whose major contribution to solving the homeless problem has been to refer to these individuals as “people without homes”. How many more people have a warm, dry place to sleep, and a bit of food as a result of that profound development in policy?

Just a thought for those who report to work at Ottawa City Hall. Focus on physical solutions that provide immediate effect, rather than conceptual non-solutions that generate likes on social media.


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3 Responses

  1. sisco farraro says:

    And there’s the rub. “Please go to my Facebook page and Like Me”

  2. The Voter says:

    I wonder do the ‘people without homes’ feel any different about their situation, now that they have that fancy nomenclature, as they bed down at night on the park bench or under the bridge as the rats scurry around them?

  3. Ron Benn says:

    Voter, if the ‘people without homes’ do not feel any different about their situation, now that they have that fancy nomenclature, it is because they are insensitive to the feelings of those who wake up warm and dry, and have endless amount of time musing about how to maximize the number of likes they get on their social media postings.

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