Have We Scooped The Big News Conference? PATTON

Mike Patton, always on top of the news, discusses a new initiative for fighting car theft and stunt driving and it just so happens, the city and the Ottawa Police Service and a couple of provincial types will be making an announcement Tuesday at 11:15 a.m.

Wonder if this is what this very official, important and must-register-for news conference is all about.

Take it away mighty Bulldog commentator and seer of the future:

#Ontario steps in to deal with stunt driving and stolen cars

Now the release is below. Sorry if we ruined the party. We feel bad but we’ll get over it.


This is a release from the City of Ottawa:

Media are invited to attend a joint announcement with the City of Ottawa and Ottawa Police Service and representatives from the Ontario government.  

Date: Tuesday, July 30

Time: 11:15 am 

Michael S. Kerzner, Solicitor General of Ontario, MPP Lisa Macleod, OPP Deputy Commissioner Kari Dart, City of Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and Ottawa Police Chief Eric Stubbs will speak briefly. Media will be able to ask questions following the remarks. 

RSVP: Registration is required. Media are asked to email media.relations@ottawapolice.ca to register and obtain further logistics/location details.


Oh yeah … and you might tell us where the announcement will be. We’ve got the time, not the subject but maybe the subject, but not the place. Ouch.

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and a Conservative activist.


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5 Responses

  1. sisco farraro says:

    Great!!! Doug Ford will purchase another helicopter. Yippee!!! Is there a rollout plan for this project or has Doug Ford decided to join all the other politicians who simply think spending taxpayers’ money will solve problems without putting together a plan. My first question to the project team is “How will putting helicopters in the air help stop thieves from stealing cars which is an activity that takes place at ground level?” If the police know where to watch for thefts from the air certainly they can do the same using unmarked police cars. Or, do they they think they might get luckier from up high?

  2. Andrew says:

    The helicopter is needed for the police, but street racing seems to be one of the least effective roles. Sound triggered cameras and some radar on the Queensway is much more cost effective and gives 24 hour coverage. The helicopter is good for only 2-3 hours a few days a week, can only service one place at a time with some “dispatch delays” and weather dependant, since racing is most likely spontaneous it becomes less effective. The OPS operates a fixed wing aircraft which has similar speed and much longer loiter time so it is more cost effective. Perhaps the OPS should use it for street racing?

  3. MM says:

    Where’s the study that says the use of helicopters will reduce stunt driving? And maybe they’ll also state that one of the reasons to have a helicopter is that it is safer than car chases.

  4. The Voter says:

    Love the gleeful look on Mike’s face!

    Ken, you know full well why they can’t give out the location. First of all, there are those media people who would just turn up without registering. I know, it’s a shocker! It’s so much harder to control the message if you can’t hand-pick the messengers. Second, there are people in Ottawa that don’t like various things the government, whether municipal or provincial, are doing and they might just turn up to bring their grievances to the politicians and staffers that are there plus, of course, the media. What if the media is more interested in those stories than the one the presser is about? That could ruin a politician’s whole day!

  5. Ken Gray says:

    Good to have you back, Ms. Voter.

    All good points, as ever.



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