Hi, I’m Jenna. I’m Here To Help: WAFFLE WATCH


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“I’ll continue to work with the mayor and member of council to endeavour to find fiscally responsible ways to support them. But they need to do their homework as well.”

Cabinet minister and Kanata-Carleton MP Jenna Sudds, the capital region’s senior member of Parliament


Ah politics, ain’t it grand.

Sudds kicks the city in the butt saying there’s no extra money for the municipality but then says she’s happy to support them.

Sudds is right in telling the city to be fiscally responsible. It’s just entertaining that after delivering that harsh message, she’s ready to be cooperative.

A great waffle.

Ken Gray


For You:

And Yes, The Bulldog Is Back

Cullen, MacLeod Agree On City Spending: QUOTABLE

City Must Clean Up Its Own Fiscal Mess: SUDDS

1 Response

  1. Bruce says:

    If you need a car and in truth can not afford the new Lincoln, Rolls Royce or Ferrari, you should probably buy a Kia or VW or Toyota and put aside the grandiose expenditures of Landsdowne iteration 2, full LRT, Tewin infrastructure costs, a full service Library building, all: until the savings are in the bank!!

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