Hurry Up And Wait On LRT: MULVIHILL


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No surprise here.

A technical briefing provided by OC Transpo management simply confirmed what most suspected to be true. The new LRT Trillium Line will not be ready when Carleton University students return to school in September. The briefing was about work being done on Ottawa’s new transit line that will run between Bayview Station and Riverside South with a spur to the Ottawa International Airport.

OC Transpo general manager Renée Amilcar would not say when the 21-day test period will begin on the Trillium Line citing critical work still to be completed. However, specifics weren’t provided publicly concerning the work needed to be done. Additionally, when the work is completed, successful testing for eight to 10 weeks on a full schedule must be done without problems. It isn’t anticipated the Trillium Line will carry passengers before mid-October. A betting person wouldn’t hesitate to wager on spring 2025 as the earliest start.

Now more than two years behind schedule, there is no option except to wait.

Donna Mulvihill is a community activist and former hospital coordinator.


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2 Responses

  1. Been There says:

    The mayor and the airport authority are not shy about announcing the importance, to the city, of the airports new carriers and increased flight frequency by existing carriers. Perhaps it is time for Mayor Sutcliffe to act like a mayor and override Renée Amilcar’s obfuscation and although it is a foreign concept on Laurier Avenue , be transparent. After all someone at Transpo must have a handle on the real time line. The airport authority and Carleton students might appreciate it.

  2. Merrill Smith says:

    The icing on that cake is that there actually was a functioning LRT using that line before Lord Jim and his knights did away with it.

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