Just The Facts, Lisa

Not too sure exactly what you are getting at here, Lisa.

The post simply illustrated that Capital Councillor Shawn Menard has started a petition to save an east-end “people’s park” which is fine, I guess.

Saving parkland is difficult to disagree with.

Beyond that, the post carries a link to Menard’s petition.

The Bulldog didn’t take a position on it. Just the facts, ma’am.

What CFRA did with it is beyond me. If they read it, God bless ’em. We highly recommend The Bulldog.

But what CFRA does with this post is for CFRA to decide and one would not want it any other way. Your agent didn’t know it was on CFRA or even if it was broadcast. This is all news to me.

So The Bulldog is flying with the angels on this one. We know nothing beyond the post and the facts.

But on a bright note, congratulations LIsa on your retirement. Only unwise characters like me keep doing this. You? You will have fun.

I think we go back to amalgamation when we both worked at city hall … you for the municipality and me for the Citizen. Long time ago now but it feels just like yesterday.

So all the best, Lisa and I’m not guilty of the above charges, In fact, I don’t know what the charges are.

Do I need a lawyer, Lisa?

Ken Gray


Just the facts ma'am

Local boy on the facts.


For You:

Menard Petition Tries To Save ‘People’s Park’

Fleury Out As Cornwall Municipal CAO

PM Doesn’t Change His Winning Game: THE BEAVERTON


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5 Responses

  1. The Voter says:

    Methinks that post from Lisa was mistakenly related to the Menard story. It’s easy enough to respond to the wrong story on Twitter and I think that’s what happened here.

    What she’s referring to is the intention of the City to install the Sprung structure to house asylum seekers that is planned for Barrhaven. Both the Barrhaven councillors have come out against it.

  2. Ken Gray says:

    Come on, Voter.

    Remember, it’s always about me. lol


  3. The Voter says:

    Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

    How could I be so silly?? I’ll try to do better and keep the focus where it belongs!

  4. Ken Gray says:

    Yeah … on me.



  5. The Voter says:

    But of course!!

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