Leiper Takes Car Lane Instead Of Bike Lane


This is Kitchissippi Councillor Jeff Leiper’s Facebook post a week before a dangerous incident in which he was involved between his bike and car:




For You:

Did Jeff Leiper Provoke Cycling Incident?

High-Speed 234 KMH Stupidity On Highway 174

Where Are The Cars On New Alexandra Bridge Mock-Ups?


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8 Responses

  1. Anderson Davies says:

    Yeah, I target women and minorities any time I get in my car… #bangsheadondesk

  2. C from Kanata says:

    Pretty irresponsible of him

    This won’t end well for many cyclists unfortunately. The bike lanes are there to make them safer, not to segregate them like apartheid, unfortunately they are too arrogant to recover this

    Thanks for pointing this out to us

  3. Ron Benn says:

    Selfish behaviour from a selfish, petty, sanctimonious person.

  4. Andrew Zenner says:

    Perhaps it is time for “Take Back the Sidewalks Saturdays”, where pedestrians carry sticks so that they can either hit cyclists riding on the sidewalks or put the stick in their spokes as the pedestrians almost get knocked over by cyclists who think sidewalks are bicycle lanes.

  5. Bruce says:

    GET OFF the sidewalks and onto the designated bike lanes or where you have to SHARE to roadways with other VEHICLES (as you are one), obey the highway traffic acts,like stop signs, red lights, keep to the right of your lane, yield to pedestrians, do you have a sound device, use hand signals for turns, stops?

  6. sisco farraro says:

    And someone will post statistics that show an increase in the number of bicycle injuries/casualties and try to determine the cause. I hope someone from StatsCan has read this article and squirelled it away. Is it just me or is Jeff Leiper sounding more and more like Donald Trump as the US election approaches?

  7. Neil says:

    The Ontario Highway Traffic Act specifically allows for cyclists to “take the lane”, the traffic lane, as they feel necessary.

    And I have seen motorists been given tickets by police for being unsafe around cyclists that do so.

  8. The Voter says:

    Does Leiper also support pedestrians using the bike lanes if the sidewalk’s crowded or it’s unsafe because it’s covered in snow or ice? How about cars or trucks edging over into the bike lane because the road’s busy?

    If you’re going to advocate for more bike lanes, expect to be questioned as to why the City would spend money on installing them when you won’t use them and are encouraging others to do the same. Bike lanes are expensive to install and maintain and, in some instances, they take space away from other users of the road in the form of lane reductions. If you aren’t going to use them, why would we bother providing them to you?

    You’re doing your cause a lot of harm with this approach.

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