MacLeod Notes Disgust With Sutcliffe ‘Fairness’ Campaign


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This isn’t good.

From X:


The leading Tory MPP in the Ottawa area is saying that Liberals and Conservatives are saying that Mayor Mark Sutcliffe’s move to seek tax “fairness” from the federal and provincial governments is bringing almost universal disapproval.

Top local Liberal cabinet minister Jenna Sudds has told Sutcliffe that the feds are not giving extra money to Sutcliffe and the City of Ottawa to solve the mayor’s fiscal pickle.

It appears that Sutcliffe, as was likely with this misguided move, has alienated both the feds and the province. That’s what his mentor ex-mayor Jim Watson did and look how that turned out.

What residents and politicians are telling Sutcliffe is that he must solve the city mismanagement of fiscal and project incompetence on his own.

And remember that MacLeod has been a big supporter of Sutcliffe. The mayor is being set adrift by himself on very rough seas.

This campaign is a huge mistake and political suicide. Look at the replies to his X post.

Is MacLeod’s response a sign that Queen’s Park is aware of the chaotic state of affairs at Ottawa City Hall?

Sooner or later, the province will be forced to act.

Ken Gray


For You:

Sutcliffe Blasted On X For Extra Funding Plea

Sutcliffe Responds To Sudds’ ‘No’ To New Funds

City Hall Can’t Get Its Fiscal Story Straight

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