Mayor, Nightmayor AWOL On ByWard Letter: MULVIHILL

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Come one, come all. Or maybe not. At least not Mayor Mark Sutcliffe.

Retailers and residents of the ByWard Market expressed last week in an open letter to Sutcliffe about the need to get to the root cause of the problems in the ByWard Market. At last word, he hasn’t responded.

The ask was for a short-term and five-year plan to be communicated to all residents and retailers within the ByWard Market area to revitalize and improve safety in the market area. The group also included easing bylaw’s aggressive approach on issuing parking tickets while ignoring other ongoing concerns including noise, drugs and harassment of patrons and visitors.

The underlying cause of the issues must be identified for permanent solutions for the market to be a safe place for visitors and residents to enjoy.

Perhaps this is something that the night commissioner Mathieu Grondin should be all over?

Donna Mulvihill is a community activist and former hospital coordinator


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