Meehan Seeks Tory Nod In Ottawa West-Nepean

This is a release from the nomination team supporting Carol Anne Meehan for the Conservative nomination in Ottawa West-Nepean:

I am pleased to announce I am seeking the Conservative nomination in the federal riding of Ottawa West-Nepean.

I want to work with a strong team to improve the lives of people I know and care about.

It was the opportunity to enhance my career as a journalist and news anchor that brought me to Ottawa from Calgary almost four decades ago.  CJOH was a community station and that meant spending time in neighborhoods, at fundraisers and other events with people who wanted to build the best Ottawa possible.  It was impossible not to fall in love with the city.  I married and built my family here.  

I spent 27 years delivering the news in Ottawa and one term as an Ottawa city councilor.  At City Hall I saw the need for federal programs to help defer costs to local taxpayers.  It’s even more important today as residents struggle with soaring prices, higher taxes, food, and a lack of health care. 

In Ottawa West-Nepean I want to be their voice on Parliament Hill, to ensure they get their fair share, just like when John Baird was their MP.  

For those and other reasons, I am seeking the Conservative nomination in Ottawa West-Nepean.  

If you’d like to help my campaign visit my website and buy a membership.

Thank you 

Carol Anne Meehan


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7 Responses

  1. Anderson Davies says:

    Love Carol Anne!

  2. Alex Cullen says:

    Meehan is up against 2 Conservative staffers and 1 ex-Hill staffer for this nomination. She does not live in Ottawa West-Nepean.

  3. Ken Gray says:


    If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re sounding like a politician.

    Now I know you’re past that stage of your life and you would not sully yourself with sordid politics.

    So I know you’re just being helpful here and we all appreciate your helpfulness.



  4. Ron Benn says:

    What Carol Anne Meehan demonstrated during her term on city council was that she would not be bullied. She made an effort to fully understand the issues. She challenged her colleagues to do the same. Character matters, and Carol Anne Meehan demonstrated character during her term on council.

  5. Ken Gray says:

    I agree, Ron.

    Our politics can be different but we certainly agree on ethics.



  6. Merrill Smith says:

    She wants to be on team PP? She may be a decent person but won’t get my vote.

  7. Gabriel Sion says:

    Really appreciate her ethics and passion. Having read the Conservative Policy paper and seen that PP has never passed any legislation I would have a hard time supporting her in her new direction.

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