Meehan’s No Pol But A Phenomenon: PATTON



Your agent has asked former city politician and local TV mega-star Carol Anne Meehan innumerable times that she should do the right thing and write stuff on The Bulldog. And she did very occasionally.

Now I would like to say that I asked so many times only because she would be an asset to the community, journalism and what’s right in the world … all of which are true. But as the hoary owner of something like a media outlet, her words and reach are gold. Had Meehan wrote for this publication regularly, The Bulldog could upgrade to a much improved brand of kibble. Life would be gravy here at World Headquarters.

But no, like all big stars, Meehan was elusive. After such a public life, she wanted to be a Garbo-esque private person. “I want to be alone,” Garbo famously said.

Yet Meehan really didn’t want that. Now she’s trying to win the federal Tory nomination in Ottawa West-Nepean.

One can be alone for only so long.

Bulldog commentator and media superstar Mike Patton gives us his take on Meehan:


When you are no longer a politician but a phenomenon

Mike Patton is the former communications director for Mayor Larry O’Brien and the president of the Ottawa West-Nepean PC Association.


garbo: "i want to be alone!"

Now Greta Garbo gives her take on Carol Anne Meehan. Actually the highlight of this video is trumpet with a cup mute in the background music.


For You:

Meehan Seeks Tory Nod In Ottawa West-Nepean

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3 Responses

  1. sisco farraro says:

    More politicians we can do without. Leaders is what this country needs and Ms Meehan has proven her leadership skills many times over!

  2. Ron Benn says:

    Perhaps this is why, in a comment to a related post, Alex Cullen was so quick to point out that Carol Anne Meehan was not a resident of the riding. When a phenomena arrives on the doorstep, it can upset the plans of competitors.

  3. Richard says:

    I suspect Carol Anne should be careful about trying to become a member of a future PP caucus.

    I like her, and think she would make a great MP. But fealty and ideology are what the PP gang want . . not independent minded MPs loyal to their constituents.

    Look no further than the abysmal treatment of Elgin-Middlesex-London MP Karen Vecchio, who has decided – consequently – to not run in a very safe Ontario seat in the next Federal election. Even if your nomination to run in the riding is not blocked, Carol Anne, you’ll be poorly treated and frustrated at every turn. The Watson club all over again.

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