Newspaper Circulation Plummets

Globe and Mail columnist Andrew Coyne tries to put the decline of newspapers in perspective and it is frightening.

The figures you see below are likely to be similar to other publications across Canada and Ottawa because the Herald and Citizen’s circulation was very similar when papers proudly published such things:

… the experience of the Calgary Herald may be suggestive. Inquiries by a former Herald reporter to News Media Canada, the publishers’ lobby, found the newspaper’s average daily paid circulation – roughly 120,000 in 2008; 60,000 in 2015 – has lately fallen to less than 20,000. Digital subscriptions will have offset this decline somewhat; that the industry is so stingy about releasing these numbers suggests not entirely.

The Bulldog is not shy about publishing its readership figures. They’re right below the banner on the front everyday.

When The Bulldog began in 2009 (has it really been that long?) the readership started from zero. Our latest weekly figure is 186,011 page views.

To read Coyne’s column (you’ll likely need a Globe subscription), click here.

Ken Gray


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