Probing Denley-omics At Lansdowne: WHOPPER WATCH .12.26


“It doesn’t make sense to compare Lansdowne 2.0 to the city’s transit problem. The renewal of Lansdowne is an overdue capital project that will benefit the city for decades to come. Yes, there’s debt but it’s appropriate to pay for the project over time. The transit problem is an operational issue, one that will create a hole of $120 million or more in the city budget every year until it’s fixed.”

Randall Denley, Ottawa Citizen


Yes, that’s how debt works.

You get to buy something now but you pay it off over time. Thank goodness we have the concept correct.

Just one problem. By Mayor Mark Sutcliffe’s own admission, the city is swimming in debt. We don’t need more.

But Denley’s solution, if solution is the correct word, is to pile up more debt. What could possibly go wrong?

Debt must be paid, no matter what arcane city silo it comes from. And if the city couldn’t cover the operating costs of light rail, it shouldn’t have built it. That’s how things work. Please note car analogy in previous post.

As for fixing up the northside stands, the city is in a debt crisis. You make do when you don’t have the money. I’d like to have a beach house on Malibu, but I don’t have Charlie Sheen’s money nor am I likely to be able to cover the taxes. Neither does the City of Ottawa though the municipality might buy one because it’s a nice-to-have.

Then Denley sets up some straw dogs.

  • Ottawans were complaining about the the cost of the new police helicopter? Sorry that one got buy me. People were concerned about the efficacy of helicopter but not especially the cost.
  • Ottawans were worried about the cost of the storefront police operation in the Rideau Centre? No, people were concerned about the location as in it should be in the market where the problems are occurring.
  • Ottawans are concerned about the new Highway 416 interchange? Sorry but that got by The Bulldog and we look for those things. We’ll have to do a better job.

And oh yes, Lansdowne again. Should be another whopper. “There is no pot of cash that could be used for transit operations rather than for rebuilding Lansdowne.” Again the iron-clad city silos myth. And furthermore, if you’re talking fiscal efficacy, best you not talk about Lansdowne. For taxpayers, it is one of the worst ‘investments’ ever. We pay money and get almost nothing back. At a time when shopping centres are financially stressed, the city approves a shopping centre. And those financially stressed shopping centres have free parking and are located where people live. Lansdowne has a perpetual traffic jam, an alienated neighbourhood for walk-up traffic and its transit service is appalling.

So the city builds more football stadium. The mind wobbles. But new uses abound at Lansdowne. Why just recently it became a good place to get shot.

If the city wanted a shopping centre and a bunch of apartments, why didn’t they just sell Lansdowne to developers and be done with it. Use the cash to pay down debt. Instead, Ottawa has a fiscal sinkhole at Lansdowne and, thanks very much, but LRT has provided us with more than enough sinkholes, fiscal and otherwise.

You can read Denley’s column by clicking here. Bring your Wellies.

Ken Gray


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3 Responses

  1. Andrew says:

    The train-yards is in bankruptcy! How do we ignore the retail sector is suffering?

    Lansdowne is only going to make OSEG money through high value condos/apartments, built with the taxpayers money.

  2. Ken Gray says:


    I think there has been some kind of solution at the Train Yards but I’ve forgotten what that is or was.



  3. Kosmo says:

    Train Yards is nowhere in bankruptcy, the owner was out flexed by the lender on a $39M loan.

    unlike Lansdowne, The Train Yards is thriving.

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